
Member since ‎Jan 27, 2021
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Lee Hughes

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JRenberg on November 14, 2023
I have some issues with validation rules for products. They don't apply for line items. In my case I want to send the line items to a ERP-system for invoicing and I want to restrict my sales reps to use more than X amount of characters on a single l read more
4 Replies
February 28, 2024
should be out of the box feature to be avble to put basic validation on a line item
SJeremias on March 08, 2023
it would be super helpful to have a check box to HIDE a producty from the product library so users cannot sell that product. I realize we cannot DELETE or RENAME the item as it affects reports and back end things, but having a way to "hide" it woul read more
21 Replies
February 12, 2024
Basic functionality. This needs to be added asap
Rezell on September 27, 2022
Permissions for the product library are crucial for our business. We don't want various users to be able to see the unit cost and unit prices for all of the products, but there is no way to turn off viewing.
18 Replies
February 12, 2024
If you are wishing to take on the big boys (eg Salesforce) you need to have control over how can see what. This feature needs to be added. You more
HAinley on December 07, 2022
I have created a pick list that is linked to all product properties as it describes the type of sale i.e. new or renewal etc. I would like to make this field mandatory but this currently isn't possible.
12 Replies
December 22, 2023
Geez, having the basic ability to force a field to mandatory on save is such a basic functionality
ARidley on May 11, 2022
It would be great if you could make old products inactive to clean up the database yet have a record of past products. This would allow only the current product to be available for selectin by the sales team without loosing track of products / read more
2 Replies
October 25, 2023
Bumping up the list. I am having the issue where users are selecting the wrong product as its no longer used but I cannot make it inactive
simon_toussaint on January 14, 2021
Actually when deals are imported from SFDC, if we have multiple currencies managed in SFDC, it's imported with default currency in HubSpot. Ex. a deal of 100k USD in SFDC, will be imported in HubSpot has 100k EUR deal if the currency by default is read more
16 Replies
March 02, 2022
Yes. This is what I did So I created a custom field in Hubspot to stored the currency code. I then created a workflow to populate the currency more
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