
Member since ‎Jan 27, 2021
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Carina Wagner

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cl77 on February 04, 2021
Hi there, it would be great if it would be possible to add some more tokens for team signatures. Currently only {{agent.fullname}} (+ firstname / lastname) is possible but we would also like to add the profile picture of the team member. May read more
8 Replies
April 29, 2024
In general, custom properties would be great. Our agents speak different languages and we have different work times and the signature is a great way more
CWagner5 on April 24, 2024
We have different teams that work in different time zones, different job descriptions, and agents who speak multiple languages. We reflect that information in our signatures (individual working hours, languages we speak, job titles) I want to keep read more
9 Replies
April 25, 2024
Hi Pam, Appreciate the feedback. I am afraid I would need more information on how to go about that. When I set up a custom property, I have no " more
CWagner5 on April 24, 2024
We have different teams that work in different time zones, different job descriptions, and agents who speak multiple languages. We reflect that information in our signatures (individual working hours, languages we speak, job titles) I want to keep read more
9 Replies
April 25, 2024
Hi Pam, Appreciate the feedback. I am afraid I would need more information on how to go about that. When I set up a custom property, I have no " more
Benjamin_ on January 08, 2020
Our Support team is struggling with the fact that we often have tickets that actually consist of two separate issues, or customers who 6 months after a ticket has been closed decide to just reply to that particular ticket to ask a -totally unrelated read more
50 Replies
April 19, 2022
It is super cumbersome to split an unrelated response into a new ticket. I would love to see this feature in Hubspot.
CWagner5 on October 05, 2021
Hello, It would be great if there would be an option to translate a survey (CES and CSAT) without creating a new survey, as reporting becomes much harder with two or more surveys asking the same question.
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CWagner5 on January 27, 2021
Hello, I am working with Support and we take care of all incoming customer tickets. When I am on the ticket overview page and I hover with my mouse over a ticket, a window pops up that shows the initial message of the customer. But I am more i read more
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