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Gabrielle Herrera

I'm a data nerd, a self proclaimed analyti'gal, moonlighting (daylighting?) as an accomplished sales & marketing professional. Joining Huntress in its early-stage as employee #11 (now 100+), my role is to collaborate across teams to effectively manage CRM data and design automation + optimization solutions through the entire sales cycle. I'm known for my attention to detail on all things in the channel, as well as my "white hat" technical Hacking Windows demos as a board member to local K-12 schools. Prior to Huntress, I led data-driven digital marketing and business development efforts for a number of top South Texas physicians and surgeons, receiving both local and national recognitions. My style is and has always been to teach, support, and problem-solve first, *then* close the deal. If I'm not plugging away on my laptop or phone, or often the two simultaneously, I'm most likely in the drive thru at my beloved Whataburger. ?


Oktober 05, 2021
This seems to have changed - I can save the column arrangement but not how the data in those columns are sorted. Is this possible in HubSpot?
gabherrera on September 28, 2021
This morning I discovered that you can now associate Contacts and Deals to multiple Companies - hurrah!! This is a great use for us since we have distributors or resellers who work with end users on our deals. However, because the end user is li Beitrag ansehen
September 20, 2021
Upvoting... and hoping for an ETA on this?
September 08, 2021
Hey friends! I am about 9 months into my role supporting Sales Development on the org chart I fall under Sales but traditionally my ...Beitrag ansehen
Juli 22, 2021
Is this available in the Conversation templates too (doesn't appear to be?) or just Design Manager? Thanks
Juli 21, 2021
Had this requested today. Our workaround is to add an additional Call Type.
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