
Member since ‎Jan 22, 2021
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John McCrory

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JMcCrory on May 29, 2024
Twice in the past couple of days I tried composing emails to a contact. I minimized the email to see the screen behind it and when I pulled it back up the contents of the email were deleted. The recipients were still there, and my signature was t read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
August 16, 2024
Great news. Thank you.
JMcCrory on May 29, 2024
Twice in the past couple of days I tried composing emails to a contact. I minimized the email to see the screen behind it and when I pulled it back up the contents of the email were deleted. The recipients were still there, and my signature was t read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
August 16, 2024
Great news. Thank you.
salesperson on April 06, 2022
I typed this same message a couple weeks ago and accepted a solution to it because i was told by someone this has never happened to them in 3 years. I can now say it is happening daily to me, a 2 month long user of hubspot now, and it is so beyond read more
27 Replies
May 29, 2024
Wondering if it is a sitewide glitch. Twice in the past couple of days I tried composing emails to a contact. I minimized the email to see the more
SBlakeman on November 05, 2021
Hi, checked the KB. I keep getting self open notifications in Outlook, the KB tells me to enable cookies in Internet Explorer, but I no longer have IE. I asume the "background opperation in IE" that is refrenced in the KB article has been replac read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
March 02, 2022
That didn't fix it. This problem is making email tracking totally useless.
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