
HubSpot Employee
Member since ‎Jan 22, 2021
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Leo Amancio

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LAmancio on November 17, 2023
Hi team, With the new prospect tool, super admins can view only one user's leads at a time. So currently it is not possible to have one view that pull everybody's leads. Is there any planning to allow users to select more than 1x u read more
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LAmancio on November 17, 2023
Hi team, With the new prospect tool, super admins can view only one user's leads at a time. So currently it is not possible to have one view that pull everybody's leads. Is there any planning to allow users to select more than 1x user on the read more
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LAmancio on November 06, 2023
Hi team, Creating this thread on a behalf of an user. With the new product roll out, when an user tries to delete a contact record, now by default it prompts "permanent delete" when before the default option was always "Restorable delete". read more
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