
Member since ‎Jan 22, 2021
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Kirk O.

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SeanHenri on March 17, 2023
What: Add Task-based workflow type that allows you to modify previously created tasks based on information found on an associated contact, deal, or ticket information. Possible actions: When a task's associated contact is from the Fi read more
8 Replies
December 21, 2023
Tasks are a mess in Hubspot. Bulk edition of tasks associated to objects from deal or company views would be good enough. But the task view does not more
KHami-Eddine on March 17, 2023
Hi, We are downloading deals via API in order to calculate some KPIs. When we retrieved the deals via API, we get the husbspot_owner_id, but I would like to get the firstname and lastname so the display in our KPI boards is understandable. read more
KHami-Eddine on February 08, 2023
Hi everyone! I am having an issue with an API call. I am using the search endpoint to retrieve companies. As my search returns a lot of results (480,006), I loop and use the "after" property to read the data page after page. All works fi read more
KHami-Eddine on June 22, 2021
Hi, Today when meetings are created via the "Meet" button on Contact or Company page, there is no way to specify reminders or notifications for invitees while this is doable for meeting links. Creating a workflow does not seem to be an option e read more
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KHami-Eddine on January 26, 2021
Hello, I tried to create a workflow centered around Activity date. I wanted to do something like: - trigger the workflow for deals having a specific activity date "in less than" a given number of days. - send an email to a contact However, read more
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tscott on November 14, 2017
In our company, we use the tasks feature to assign RFQ's/(Deals) to employees. But we do not have the option to customize/edit the columns. We would like to edit the titles and the number of steps in the tasks feature so, we can more accurately show read more
93 Replies
January 25, 2021
Hello, Our sales people like to organise their day by working on tasks by deal stage, so they focus on one topic at a time. One way we thought more
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