
Member since ‎Jan 22, 2021
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Muhammad Sman

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MHagood on December 30, 2020
I am having my team (Customer Experience) work with tasks in HS and we do several outreaches to the same client (i.e. 1 task for several different activities). When you log a call, make a call, send an email, the task gets automatically completed. read more
8 Replies
August 17, 2021
Could we make this an option where a task does not auto complete?
muhammadsman on January 22, 2021
When we schedule a meeting with a prospect I would love to be able to have the option of adding my signature. Once a meeting is set is there a way to either reschedule/cancel the meeting? If I reschedule/cancel will HubSpot talk to Gmail to make s read more
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nc_3manfactory on November 27, 2019
The snippets feature for quickly adding often used phrases and short-form copy within emails would really benefit from supporting rich media like images. This would mean regularly used screenshots, diagrams, or graphics could be added with accompany read more
63 Replies
January 22, 2021
Would love to be able to have a feature where we can add our signatures to snippets.
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