
Membro desde ‎jan 22, 2021
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Sari Tulikivi


Novembro 01, 2023
I support the development of this feature. The user should see the customers feedback under the customer information, as well as their own NPS value....Leia mais
Março 16, 2023
The need to report the use of snippets. ‌‌ 👍 It would be good to know who has used snippets and how many times this snippets has been used. Also is...Leia mais
Março 16, 2023
The need to report the use of snippets. 👍 It would be good to know who has used snippets and how many times this snippets has been used. Also is i...Leia mais
Outubro 08, 2021
I'll add my support to this idea. I would need a snippet of such a feature that attach image an attachment to the email automatically. We have image...Leia mais
SariTK on Setembro 22, 2021
Why doesn't the column order remain within the lists? I have to edit column order every morning to the order I want. This is frustrating and takes up a lot of work time every day. There is no save button in list view. Does anyone know a solution to Leia mais
1 avaliações positivas
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Junho 01, 2021
We miss this feature too. It would make working a lot easier.
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Todos têm que começar em algum lugar! Por que não começar sua jornada nos contando um pouco sobre os seus interesses?


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