
Member since ‎Aug 28, 2017
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Lane White

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JoseHan on February 28, 2018
Workflows is the most powerful and arguably most important tool in HubSpot. It'd be amazing if HubSpot can implement more advanced logic options and expand its abilities as in its current state is pretty limited and hasn't seen drastic/significant c read more
May 17, 2018
Re: #1 - I've been able to do certain logic flows without duplication of branches, but it requires you to create a lot of different workflows and " more
lanewhite on May 17, 2018
Per this forum post , Hubspot does not support a native "do not call" list. However, if I'm a company with any degree of mature sales organization (which expects to make outbound calls), I need to be able to comply with federal do-not-call regulati read more
waihonger on January 03, 2017
Right now Workflows can only be used to create a deal with limited options i.e. name/close date/amount. As such, when our customers fill up a sign up form, we aren't able to populate new deals with any information that relates to the sign read more
83 Replies
March 20, 2018
The only solution to this that I've found is very technically difficult (webhooks, apis, and zapier). This feature would be huge for many, many more
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