
Member since ‎Jan 20, 2021
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Dave Heywood

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DHeywood on September 21, 2023
Background - we do a lot of revigin prospects and clients marketing engagements with our sales team, and assign follow up tasks for people where appropriate. At the moment, this is quote cumbersome to do in a consistent manner - to make sure tas read more
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erincarpenter on January 24, 2023
The Marketing Event object only allows offline events to be added with contacts via an integration on online event. However, we have in-person conferences that we would like to add. Although we can add them to the object, it will not let us manually read more
9 Replies
August 14, 2023
Yes! more needed for marketing events to be a suitable solution. The ability to create a marketing event and attribute contacts through workflow more
sluskstout on July 31, 2019
The current merge process causes a lot of unnecessary double checking after the merge to ensure wanted data isn't lost because of the merge rule sets in place - i.e. Keeping the most up to date field is not always the best or relevant information to read more
8 Replies
May 15, 2023
to add to this, the current set up of overwriting with the most recent value is really problematic when dealing with multiple checkbox fields. WE more
DHeywood on February 21, 2023
Across our various teams, we use reports and dashboards to highlight marketing engagement with particular segments. An outcome of that review will be a bunch of tasks for people to compelte e.g get in touch with bill, discuss opportunity for account read more
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NKretz on January 27, 2021
Our team would like to integrate hubspot tasks with Microsoft To Do. While the zapier function exists to zap marketing calendar tasks, it currently does not have a way to zap sales tasks. Would definitely love the opportunity to start using our read more
5 Replies
February 20, 2023
Just to add another context to this, we use sales tasks to identify where there are gaps and request that someone completes. It also helps us keen more
lhaehle on July 08, 2020
The HubSpot WordPress plugin provides web tracking & analytics, but it doesn't accurately segregate our page content into the appropriate buckets. We see blog posts in the "Website Pages" and website pages in the "Blog posts" groupings. [Report read more
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1 Reply
February 16, 2023
Building on this, being able to build reports and being able to pull in tags/categories would be greatly benficial. We often build tracking more
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