
Member since ‎Jan 19, 2021
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Rebecca Gray

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WFoster on February 14, 2022
Hi there, On a recent email marketing campaign, I recieved a notice on the HTML click map saying: "Certain click data for links and CTAs won’t be shown on the map for the following reasons: Using a media query to hide or change links and read more
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4 Replies
February 17, 2022
We had the same on an email campaign recently- we copy the same template and edit it, so I am not sure where the issue is. Wondering if it could be more
plau on June 21, 2019
At the moment it's not possible to insert tables in the drag and drop email editor. Even if we paste table HTML in the source code, it gets stripped away when we save it. Current workarounds include: Add a screenshot of the table instead: read more
97 Replies
March 18, 2021
We would really like a tables module for our emails.
AC5280 on May 23, 2018
Can Hubspot please create other options for a date picker? I have had numerous complaints about the date picker that Hubspot offers - many people have issues and don't want to click all the way back to their year. I have even put a note under the da read more
22 Replies
January 19, 2021
Would be great to have date format of DD/MM/YYYY for Australia.
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