
Member since ‎Jan 19, 2021
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Laurie Masera Garza

I've been in Marketing for over 10 years, and I still learn something new almost every day.


Jnix284 on May 26, 2023
Developers are limited to using version 5.14.0 and can't update themes to version 6. Who: developers creating themes and marketers using themes What/goal: ability to use the latest icon sets Value: adds backwards compatibility If the read more
September 26, 2023
I would love to be able to use the new X-twitter logo, but I can't because it's part of the 6.4.2 release.
AmGus on June 14, 2021
I have recently migrated from Later to HubSpot and was very disappointed to find that I can't add 'the first comment' so my post will be associated with certain hashtags. Now, I have to go onto the actual platform and add them. I also found that I c read more
3 Replies
February 01, 2023
YES, this right here ⬆️ ! I see has a link in bio feature now. I wonder, since there is a HubSpot integration it will happen soon.
LMaseraGarza on December 19, 2022
Currently, when you use a Multiple Checkboxes field as a personalization token on an email, the options display inline with a comma as a separator. I would like to have the field options displayed as a list. Is this possible?
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RebeccaCLQ on August 19, 2020
Google is rendering my (really awesome) GDPR cookie banner at the top or the bottom of my page when it tests my live page. This is going to cause long-term problems when googlebot scans my page it is going to see this cookie banner as the same bann read more
February 28, 2022
Agreed. Having the ability to adjust the timing on the banner would be very helpful.
Achagnon1 on August 07, 2020
I'm in the process of setting up calculated properties to use the new "time between" feature in reporting, and realized that, in the 'time between' calculations for properties, I'd like to have access to the option 'today,' which would be a dynamic read more
100 Replies
November 26, 2021
I did a workflow workaround to create a "Today's Date" field. Then used that to calculate the "Length of Membership" field. On the contact record it more
Achagnon1 on August 07, 2020
I'm in the process of setting up calculated properties to use the new "time between" feature in reporting, and realized that, in the 'time between' calculations for properties, I'd like to have access to the option 'today,' which would be a dynamic read more
100 Replies
November 26, 2021
I did a workflow workaround to create a "Today's Date" field. Then used that to calculate the "Length of Membership" field. On the contact record it more
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