
Membro desde ‎ago 25, 2017
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maximelexstart on Setembro 21, 2018
Hey there! For us to be able to create forms that use Deal Properties would be amazing. Is that something easily feasible? Thank you.
640 avaliações positivas
192 Respostas
Julho 12, 2019
This needs to happen - please!
Yoshi on Setembro 10, 2017
Currently, when files are sahred, the file can be downloaded by everyone who got shared with that specific document. However, there are certain times that we would not want the files to be shared. Thus, it would be great if we have an option t Leia mais
256 avaliações positivas
135 Respostas
Novembro 09, 2018
Yes please, this would be a very important feature.
LizO on Fevereiro 21, 2017
Is it possible to combine multiple contact properties into a single contact property? Will all the values in the multiple properties transfer over to the one contact property? I saw merging values within 1 contact property but not how do you co Leia mais
19 avaliações positivas
12 Respostas
Janeiro 02, 2018
That is helpful, thank you! I ended up being able to fix by changing the free text field into a "multiple checkbox" field. The free text only had 8 d...Leia mais
LizO on Fevereiro 21, 2017
Is it possible to combine multiple contact properties into a single contact property? Will all the values in the multiple properties transfer over to the one contact property? I saw merging values within 1 contact property but not how do you co Leia mais
19 avaliações positivas
12 Respostas
Janeiro 02, 2018
That is helpful, thank you! I ended up being able to fix by changing the free text field into a "multiple checkbox" field. The free text only had 8 d...Leia mais
Davis on Maio 04, 2017
when we add new contacts we make separate contacts for people like families, friends, etc. I think it would be a great feature if there is a way to link two contacts together. ie: if we add contacts for a married couple, the contact info on husband Leia mais
277 avaliações positivas
103 Respostas
Agosto 25, 2017
Agreed, this would be valuable for organizational heirarchy, right now I am adding a custom field for "manager", but not able to link the actual cont...Leia mais
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