
Member since ‎Jan 18, 2021
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Martin Chibanda

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MartChris on March 04, 2021
I want to require our staff to take certain courses in Academy. However, some courses require plans more advanced than we have. How do we choose plan-relevant courses? We are on marketing, sales & service hub starter so we ne ed only courses t read more
MartChris on February 09, 2021
I see that there is an option to state companies as targets for Account-Based marketing in the starter plan . In the starter plan there does not appear to be any other functionality except recognising a company as a target of account-based ma read more
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MartChris on January 26, 2021
I want to choose an email sending domain that is different from from our usual office domain that staff use for communications daily. Can a setup that domain on hubspot without needing am email service provider like Google workspace? What is the best read more
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MartChris on January 19, 2021
Call logging appears greyed out for one of our users. Please help with how to resolve this.
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MartChris on January 18, 2021
How does one automatically assign a contact to deal owner? In other words when we create a contact on a deal, how do we get all contacts under a deal to be assigned to the deal owner without doing it manually?
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