
Member since ‎Jan 15, 2021
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Rebecca Morgan

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REyearbooklife on January 27, 2022
The ability to enroll a company in a workflow directly from the company screen. It's too many steps to enroll a company in a workflow when you are actively working in the company screen. Capsule CRM has this feature. You enroll from the company/orga read more
July 24, 2023
This!!! This would save loads of to-ing and fro-ing from company to workflow to company to workflow!
Kashish_Garg on May 18, 2022
Hi, There is a round-robin link we use for all our salespeople. Now 1. First, I want to assign the contact owner to the person with whom the sales calls has been scheduled. 2. Second, If the call gets canceled and rescheduled with another read more
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2 Replies
May 19, 2023
Olivia, you might have just saved my brain from being frazzled! Hubspot doesn't allow us to include the Owner's name in the Round Robin meeting more
AFukumoto on July 08, 2022
If I'm using a round-robin scheduling link, is it possible to get the contact owner to auto-assign to the person that is scheduled from the call? i.e. Sarah, Max and I are on the round robin scheduling link, a new contact uses the link and schedules read more
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2 Replies
May 19, 2023
I'm after the same resolution too - and I still can't find a way to do this without conflicting our other new contact/company assignment rules. more
Andy_g2m on January 29, 2019
Would it be valuable for anyone else to be able to set which property columns are visible on lists at a global level?
74 Replies
December 07, 2022
Is there any update on this please?
EEnglish3 on March 08, 2022
For those of us with external websites and TONS of forms in Hubspot, it would be incredibly helpful if we could categorize or tag forms by lifecycle stage or other custom field. Right now, if we want to score leads based on the form they submi read more
4 Replies
December 02, 2022
This!! 100% Being able to group form types would say so much list adminsitration. every time I create a new piece of content to download, I more
RafiPN on August 24, 2017
Often times we enter fake data into our own form to test workflows or we get spammed with fake accounts. I'd like the ability to delete form submissions so they don't impact the metrics.
410 Replies
October 14, 2022
This is such a vitial function that's needed! It's not always possible to clone to test, sometimes you just have to work on the live stuff. Deleting more
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