
Member since ‎Aug 24, 2017
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CaitlinRyan on August 24, 2017
We need to know the country code of all numbers submitted through our forms. It would be ideal if there was a country code drop down to select from that we could have on our web forms This is what HubSpot has on their forms on their website
79 Replies
February 08, 2018
Awesome I can't wait for a whole portfolio of international features!
AnthonyStretten on January 30, 2017
One for the most frustrating elements to Hubspot is the email builder. To have to build a template for an email that requires a slightly different layout just quadruples the time to make the email. Many other tools that we use in parallel with Hub read more
November 06, 2017
Yes please I would like an estimate time too. I have recently moved to HubSpot and my management team are pressuring me to send email campaigns from more
AnthonyStretten on January 30, 2017
One for the most frustrating elements to Hubspot is the email builder. To have to build a template for an email that requires a slightly different layout just quadruples the time to make the email. Many other tools that we use in parallel with Hub read more
November 06, 2017
Yes please I would like an estimate time too. I have recently moved to HubSpot and my management team are pressuring me to send email campaigns from more
Hoppities on September 28, 2017
We would like the ability to query the Contacts/Companies API and pass in a property and a string to return a list of potential matches.
30 Replies
September 28, 2017
Great idea - I would like to see this too
CaitlinRyan on August 24, 2017
We need to know the country code of all numbers submitted through our forms. It would be ideal if there was a country code drop down to select from that we could have on our web forms This is what HubSpot has on their forms on their website
79 Replies
February 08, 2018
Awesome I can't wait for a whole portfolio of international features!
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