
Member since ‎Jan 14, 2021
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zwolfson on October 25, 2021
In order to help protect our partners and customers, HubSpot signs outgoing requests (such as those for webhooks or CRM cards) so that you can verify that the request did actually come from HubSpot. Following the latest security best-practices, we read more
0 upvote
22 Replies
March 06, 2022
Nice! Do you mean this line should look different? var requestUri = $"{Request.Scheme}://{Request.Host.Value}/"; Just so this is more more
zwolfson on October 25, 2021
In order to help protect our partners and customers, HubSpot signs outgoing requests (such as those for webhooks or CRM cards) so that you can verify that the request did actually come from HubSpot. Following the latest security best-practices, we read more
0 upvote
22 Replies
March 06, 2022
Nice! Do you mean this line should look different? var requestUri = $"{Request.Scheme}://{Request.Host.Value}/"; Just so this is more more
zwolfson on October 25, 2021
In order to help protect our partners and customers, HubSpot signs outgoing requests (such as those for webhooks or CRM cards) so that you can verify that the request did actually come from HubSpot. Following the latest security best-practices, we read more
0 upvote
22 Replies
March 06, 2022
Nice! Do you mean this line should look different? var requestUri = $"{Request.Scheme}://{Request.Host.Value}/"; Just so this is more more
zwolfson on October 25, 2021
In order to help protect our partners and customers, HubSpot signs outgoing requests (such as those for webhooks or CRM cards) so that you can verify that the request did actually come from HubSpot. Following the latest security best-practices, we read more
0 upvote
22 Replies
March 06, 2022
Nice! Do you mean this line should look different? var requestUri = $"{Request.Scheme}://{Request.Host.Value}/"; Just so this is more more
amit-hs on September 07, 2021
CRM Custom Card (part of CRM Extensions). Following this documentation (here: ) for defining a "STATUS" type custom property, this is the resulting JSON being sent to Hub read more
September 10, 2021
Hey Sean, thanks for the clarity! This line crystalized it for me: The platform also lets you define properties on the fly, but only a more
amit-hs on September 07, 2021
CRM Custom Card (part of CRM Extensions). Following this documentation (here: ) for defining a "STATUS" type custom property, this is the resulting JSON being sent to Hub read more
September 10, 2021
Hey Sean, thanks for the clarity! This line crystalized it for me: The platform also lets you define properties on the fly, but only a more
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