
Member since ‎Jan 14, 2021
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Michael Garvey

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JasonTisdall on October 29, 2020
This would essentially allow us to create a unique job number with each new deal. It would be so useful and would then be used as the root for a whole range of quotes and orders. There is a similar request here read more
68 Replies
March 09, 2023
This would be a VERY helpful addition. It's one a the few things our team still has to do manually with an excel sheet.
cweimert on May 10, 2021
It would be beneficial to have a filter in the task view to pull up companies / contacts that do not have an open task associated to their record. This provides more insight in a larger database.
19 Replies
May 23, 2022
This is a much needed feature. I'd like to add a "Deals without scheduled activity" report to our Sales Dashboard.
hollybo on January 24, 2020
Wouldn't it be great to have an option to have tasks created from a workflow, "skip" weekends when assigning due date? I have my tasks setup to be due 1 day from creation at 5PM. Our response goal is 1 business day. So if I could get these tasks to read more
15 Replies
March 25, 2022
I've had multiple request from within my organization for this feature. Tasks with weekend due dates are causing some issues.
CArcher on August 25, 2021
The Historical Snapshots report is very helpful for determining how our pipeline has changed month-to-month. The only limitation is that you can't view all your pipelines, in aggregate, in one Historical Snapshot report. We have multiple (5) pipelin read more
February 15, 2022
This would be very helpful for our forecasting.
hannahdavidian on January 23, 2020
It seems like something that would be a standard feature, but our company thinks it is essential to be able to embed HubSpot dashboards in external sites. For example, we have a centralized reporting system which we use a published link to embed ext read more
January 26, 2022
This would be very helpful to our oganization. The ability to embed reports from our Dashboards into Google Slides would save us a lot of double more
MGarvey on January 19, 2022
I've had multiple people request that internal email notification include additional deal information, but I that doesn't seem to be an option I can find. It would MASSIVELY improve our workflow. For example: If one of our employees is @ mention read more
4 Replies
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