
Participant | Elite Partner
Member since ‎Jan 13, 2021
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Participant | Elite Partner
April 11, 2024
This is because the sync to SF is on a 2h interval. So you'd be wise to add some automation that fires after deal creation to modify a field (doesn' more
Participant | Elite Partner
June 08, 2023
/Bumped for visibility
Participant | Elite Partner
May 30, 2023
Can we PLEASE get a status update on this!?! (I feel like @karstenkoehler could help in this area, lol) Absolutely need this feature, even if it' more
Participant | Elite Partner
May 30, 2023
@TBarnes6 , I echo the same question as @karstenkoehler - where are you getting stuck and need assistance? Karsten provided some more
khouseman on February 27, 2023
Hi there, I am testing the Imports API for use in an integration. The integration needs to create and update Contacts and Companies as well as custom objects (and the associations between those recods) from a single .csv file. Everything work read more
Participant | Elite Partner
October 27, 2022
I would love to see this included in HubSpot reporting and list creation. Being able to breakdown data by campaign per BU is something that would be more
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