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Paul Hanke

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CGrieves on März 13, 2023
For training and quality purposes and from a visability and continous improvement standpoint, it would be great if we had the possibility of recording Microsoft teams meetings so that they are visible in Hubspot. At the moment we have call recording Beitrag ansehen
19 Antworten
September 18, 2023
In Enterprise SaaS our clients default to Teams rather than Zoom - it is even blocked for many users at large corporates. When can we expect this in...Beitrag ansehen
RVice on Oktober 07, 2019
The idea here is, we have the agreed potential from a customer say $100000. But the agreements are setup that they are billed say quarterly. It's possible the contract is lost at any point in between based on exception criteria. The current system i Beitrag ansehen
12 Antworten
Dezember 08, 2022
Yes - we need this especially for large enterprise deals! We have so many deals where: POs are raised by different entities, responsibles are differe...Beitrag ansehen
PJH93 on September 14, 2021
Calculated properties are great to combine different factors e.g. revnue into one distinct data field. However, it was very unclear to me and the team that leaving a field blank prevents properties from calculating. This should be fixed in one t Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
PJH93 on September 14, 2021
As tracking links often decrease email performance it would be great to be able to temporarily disable this. Once you have established good messages, etc. and know your KPIs you could then aim to have certain campaigns go out "blind" but with be Beitrag ansehen
Andy_g2m on Januar 29, 2019
Would it be valuable for anyone else to be able to set which property columns are visible on lists at a global level?
74 Antworten
März 17, 2021
Yes agreed! Shocked that hubspot hasnt added such a simple feature in 2 years...
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