
Member since ‎Jan 11, 2021
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Kasper Pater

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trudy on March 02, 2018
Sometime I just want to thread one or two messages within a sequence, and not the whole thing. In Yesware, this can be done simply by leaving the subject line blank next template that you want to thread (Yesware will automatically add a re: subject read more
70 Replies
April 04, 2022
Hubspot folks, any updates on this? As our organization grows, so does our sales strategies and we need Hubspot to be able to grow with us!
kathigross on August 18, 2020
We need this option! Unless we send from Gmail, we cannot "unsend" from Hubspot. Using HubSpot to send emails is a better option for me and I need a way to "unsend" from the platform.
76 Replies
April 28, 2021
I would like to add my voice and vote to this idea. Would definetely be a good addition.
taylorfriss on January 18, 2018
The addition of snippets was a massive help to our teams efficiency. However, many of our sales reps still use a different extension that allows them to use snippets from within their Gmail Inbox when sending emails. Since we still rely on our G read more
February 01, 2021
Replying to this thread as I think it's the closest one I've found relating to my issue. I agree with lisachow that the snippet functionnality more
KPater on January 11, 2021
Hi HB community, I've tried to find an answer in this community and the closest I can find is this thread from last year. I'm setting up workflows on our Hubspot to track lead progression (New > attempted to contact > connected > read more
January 12, 2021
Hey Pam, Looping back to you now that I've tried creating lists like you suggested. I'm not getting any contact populating my lists: I've more
KPater on January 12, 2021
I'm setting up workflows on our Hubspot to track lead progression (New > attempted to contact > connected > ... ) and I'm using the contact property ''Recent sales email replied date'' to track if a lead has answered our sales e-mail. H read more
KPater on January 11, 2021
Hi HB community, I've tried to find an answer in this community and the closest I can find is this thread from last year. I'm setting up workflows on our Hubspot to track lead progression (New > attempted to contact > connected > read more
January 12, 2021
Hey Pam, Looping back to you now that I've tried creating lists like you suggested. I'm not getting any contact populating my lists: I've more
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