
Miembro desde ‎ene 11, 2021
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Natalie Rodrigues

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Agosto 02, 2023
Yes, please put the threads integration and icon soon! We would like to connect all of our social. Maybe consider tiktok too!
Febrero 03, 2023
LOL well there is a work-around if you do your custom list view and just save that, then you can export with just those columns! Hope that helps!
Enero 24, 2022
Yes, that is also the solution hubspot gave me. I created a list view named "list Exports" and I put the exact properties I want to see exported in th...Leer más
Julio 19, 2021
I would love to have this feature as well to save list export properties that I use frequently. Thanks!
Abril 07, 2021
YES!! Please hubspot add an option to see instagram in a grid, your current views are a nightmare for a visual person like myself. I spend twice the ...Leer más
Marzo 11, 2021
YESSS! I'm just getting started in tasks but already i would love to be able to drag and drop or have an action to move a task from one project to a ...Leer más
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