
Member since ‎Jan 10, 2021
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Michael Moran

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mhmoran on March 11, 2024
I work across multiple virtual desktops and at times I find myself needing to reference data in an email to contact/client that resides on a different virtual desktop from HubSpot. It would be useful to be able to either pop the existing email comp read more
mhmoran on December 15, 2022
I frequently find myself starting an email thread in a browser tab in HS. And later, end up responding to my client's response from my email client. Because I responded to my client from a 3rd party mail client and used BCC, there is no tracking. read more
December 16, 2022
I sent an email from within the Hubspot environment, got a reply which shows up in Thunderbird (or Evolution), which I've set to automatically BCC more
mhmoran on December 15, 2022
I frequently find myself starting an email thread in a browser tab in HS. And later, end up responding to my client's response from my email client. Because I responded to my client from a 3rd party mail client and used BCC, there is no tracking. read more
December 16, 2022
I sent an email from within the Hubspot environment, got a reply which shows up in Thunderbird (or Evolution), which I've set to automatically BCC more
mhmoran on March 28, 2022
Is it possible to both log and track an email sent from a 3rd party client?
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mhmoran on January 10, 2021
I routinely get batches of new contacts imported. Unfortunately, I'm under a master instance which means I can't bulk change campaign assignments. So if I bulk import 100 contacts, I then have to edit 100 contacts to assign them to a campaig read more
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