
Contributor | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎Aug 23, 2017
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Dave Scilabro

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TMF1090 on March 05, 2019
We have multiple sequences running and need to be able to create list of contacts who have been enrolled into a sequence. This allows us to run different types of field, email and product/services campaigns based upon the location of the contacts read more
119 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
September 19, 2023
It has been added recently and is available now in Professional and Enterprise portals!
omri on January 01, 2017
Make it possible to define a custom property as a unique field. Meaning when a data is entered into that field, if it exists in another contact it will alert you of that (like it does for the email field)
25 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
August 10, 2022
Hey Shay, Any news on when this is going to happen for the Contacts object? We have several clients today that this would be helpful with.
nina on March 10, 2017
We have a pretty big sales team and we require them to respond to leads quickly to them being received. If a lead sits without a response for more than 15 minutes we are not doing our work the way we would like. We use a handful of workflows to dist read more
94 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
February 28, 2022
We have solved for this using Operations Hub and a master Google sheet. The Google sheet is used as the master "Control" sheet. Basically, you have more
Yoshi on December 07, 2017
Currently, HubSpot form does not support auto populate city or state based on postal code or zip. It would be great if we could have that feature for HubSpot form.
43 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
January 05, 2022
Is there a third-party app that anyone knows of that would do this?
charstar on December 29, 2020
I would like to be able to able see the hierarchy of the parent/child relationships and have a roll-up where you can see revenue not only by company, but also by parent company. So if Parent Company A, had Child 1, Child 2, and Child 3, where read more
3 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
October 05, 2021
This is a must-have for HubSpot to be a player in the Rev-Ops world. Hopefully you will solve this when you solve the reporting around Flexible more
plau on September 12, 2019
At the moment Date-picker type properties are not supported by Playbooks. One use case for updating date properties via Playbooks is if we want to update information like the next meeting date we want to arrange with the contact, their preferred app read more
24 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
May 18, 2021
**bleep** to the frickin' yes!!!!
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