
Member since ‎Jan 7, 2021
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Chelsy Schulte

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CSchulte5 on February 07, 2024
In Gmail there is a feature to delay emails from sending if you want to hit the undo button and edit items before they are sent. This feature would be highly valuable within Hubspot both on Contact pages and in the inbox and could be edited on a per read more
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CSchulte5 on February 07, 2024
The feature to schedule an email to go out at a certain time is available on contact records in Hubspot but not in the conversation inbox, which would be helpful.
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CSchulte5 on October 05, 2023
Our team would love to see the ability to create steps within a task that lead to its completion (similar to the projects layout) to best collaborate with our team and conduct complex steps of a process. The ability to assign portions of a task with read more
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CSchulte5 on August 01, 2023
We want to add the option to reschedule without the option to cancel and vice versa in the scheduling features on meetings.
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jaynescarman on November 22, 2019
An autoresponder on the conversations inbox would be really helpful. Our customers use an email address to report issues. When an email comes in, our support team manually creates a ticket and that triggers an email to the customer to say we've read more
74 Replies
May 25, 2023
A workflow which said "once x conversations are assigned to _" or "once x conversations are open" with an autoresponder would be helpful. This way more
MSJ-15 on April 20, 2021
We have specific use cases where conversations/tickets are assigned to specific members on the team based on the region where the contact is located. We are able to successfully reassign tickets based on contact/company properties BUT are read more
45 Replies
May 25, 2023
I would love to be able to use this!
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