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Caitlyn Douglas

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MikeD13 on Mai 04, 2021
Rather than limiting the custom field integration to "matched" options, users should be able to map additional fields when creating Custom Fields within the DocuSign integration to allow for more flexibility when pulling in pertinent data to a parti Beitrag ansehen
4 Antworten
Mai 17, 2022
Badly needed upgrade to the integration. We supply an application form to our candidates to gain much of their information. In order to capture a...Beitrag ansehen
Andrewyaprs on September 02, 2021
Submitting this idea on behalf of a customer here. At the moment o nly predefined HubSpot fields can be used in DocuSign templates. This includes a range of properties across the objects of contact, company, or deal. It would be re Beitrag ansehen
27 Antworten
Mai 17, 2022
Badly needed upgarde to the integration. We supply an application form to our candidates to gain much of their information. In order to capture and ...Beitrag ansehen
CWardle on Mai 11, 2022
I have workflows set up to automatically assign lead sources to our contacts depending on where they come from. With our ads setup though, our Google Ads redirect to our landing page, and so what's happening is that the contact will enrol through th Beitrag ansehen
0 Antwort
Cherisse on April 19, 2021
We use workflows to automate many tasks we would normally be manually managing. I would like the ability to use workflows to "Create Note" on a Contact and/or Company record. Example 1: Following a training, we provide our clients incenti Beitrag ansehen
Mai 09, 2022
Upvote! Would be extremely helpful, especially if we are able to automate the note to be pinned at the same time. Look forward to seeing this in deve...Beitrag ansehen
Arun_Opto22 on November 29, 2017
I think there should be the ability to limit the permission to edit the Sales Dashboard. I've made the dashboard look like I want it to for my sales team...but individual salespeople have the ability to go in and modify it...but it is a "global" vi Beitrag ansehen
11 Antworten
Mai 04, 2022
Absolutely agree, I have 6 country dashboards that need to be visible globally but I have to go manually check every week to make sure no team member...Beitrag ansehen
ttopfer on Oktober 09, 2018
Since Hubspot has this Community Forum, wouldn't it be cool if we could offer this same functionality to our clients? We want to be able to allow our customers to provide ideas and feedback and vote on these and receive comms from us about them - ju Beitrag ansehen
Mai 04, 2022
This would be a fantastic add-on for our company and especially looking to expand further with our tech across AP / Global without adding more softwa...Beitrag ansehen
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