
Contributor | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Jan 5, 2021
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Ross Goodman

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rossatgrowth on August 19, 2021
Hello all, We're building out a blog listing and post template for a client. In our mockup, the top section of the index contained a "featured post" that the client can edit the image and content for depending on which post they want to be pin read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
August 20, 2021
Thanks @albertsg and @Teun , Both answers were extremely helpful! I marked each as a solution and thanks @Teun for explaining in further more
rossatgrowth on August 19, 2021
Hello all, We're building out a blog listing and post template for a client. In our mockup, the top section of the index contained a "featured post" that the client can edit the image and content for depending on which post they want to be pin read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
August 20, 2021
Thanks @albertsg and @Teun , Both answers were extremely helpful! I marked each as a solution and thanks @Teun for explaining in further more
rossatgrowth on August 12, 2021
Hello all, Lately, we've been taking on increased HubSpot CMS projects. We want clients to have the ability to edit copy, images etc. but the drag and drop editor lacks the flexibility to match high fidelity mockups and so we're effectively bu read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
August 13, 2021
This example is excellent @Teun , I'm sure it will help a lot of others seeking similar information—marked as a solution. Best, Ross
rossatgrowth on August 12, 2021
Hello all, Lately, we've been taking on increased HubSpot CMS projects. We want clients to have the ability to edit copy, images etc. but the drag and drop editor lacks the flexibility to match high fidelity mockups and so we're effectively bu read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
August 13, 2021
This example is excellent @Teun , I'm sure it will help a lot of others seeking similar information—marked as a solution. Best, Ross
rossatgrowth on August 12, 2021
Hello all, Lately, we've been taking on increased HubSpot CMS projects. We want clients to have the ability to edit copy, images etc. but the drag and drop editor lacks the flexibility to match high fidelity mockups and so we're effectively bu read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
August 13, 2021
This example is excellent @Teun , I'm sure it will help a lot of others seeking similar information—marked as a solution. Best, Ross
rossatgrowth on August 12, 2021
Hello all, Lately, we've been taking on increased HubSpot CMS projects. We want clients to have the ability to edit copy, images etc. but the drag and drop editor lacks the flexibility to match high fidelity mockups and so we're effectively bu read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
August 13, 2021
This example is excellent @Teun , I'm sure it will help a lot of others seeking similar information—marked as a solution. Best, Ross
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