
Membro desde ‎jan 5, 2021
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Matt Stefan


Nickdhutchinson on Julho 30, 2020
It would really benefit our team if we would be able to share our dashboards with customers. I have tried the email function but unfortunately, it cuts half of the dashboard out. A live dashboard would be even better 🙂 Nick
256 avaliações positivas
87 Respostas
Fevereiro 07, 2022
Yes 1000% to this. We do a lot of reporting and have to export each report and then upload into a Google Sheet just to make the same reports.
IVLEAD2019 on Julho 31, 2019
Hi everyone, Is anyone else interested in having week by week or month by month comparison for some of their reports? similar to how you compare data on google analytics or any marketing platform. How do you overcome the fact that it doesn't Leia mais
122 avaliações positivas
35 Respostas
Abril 11, 2021
Upvoting this as well!
meganocolford on Outubro 18, 2019
We change Contact Owners as Contacts move through our Sales funnel. This means that at the point where the contact changes owner, there is no way for me to see reports based on how many of each owner's contacts are making this shift. It would be gr Leia mais
222 avaliações positivas
42 Respostas
Abril 11, 2021
Yes to this!
Achagnon1 on Agosto 07, 2020
I'm in the process of setting up calculated properties to use the new "time between" feature in reporting, and realized that, in the 'time between' calculations for properties, I'd like to have access to the option 'today,' which would be a dynamic Leia mais
447 avaliações positivas
104 Respostas
Abril 11, 2021
Yes please, sincerely need this as most reporting hinges on it.
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