
Teilnehmer/-in | Elite Partner
Mitglied seit ‎Jan 5, 2021
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Van Santos

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VanSaints on Januar 18, 2024
In the HubSpot form, please allow the logic field to use a field several times so we can SET a specific field's value BASED on the field with LOGIC. Field 1 with logic should be able to use Field 2 multiple times. The value of Field 1 will be Beitrag ansehen
0 Antwort
Charmaine on September 09, 2019
It would be great if we could have a custom field type that was for "time." This property would let me select the time for an appointment as well as the time zone. It would help when trying to create workflows to trigger based off appointme Beitrag ansehen
Teilnehmer/-in | Elite Partner
Dezember 06, 2023
We need this
Paula on September 02, 2022
We've requested Payments be made available in Australia, but only ever see statements like, "we can't guarantee when...". It's great that busnesses based in the US have been able to benefit with the use of this feature; don't you think it's time Beitrag ansehen
9 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Elite Partner
September 19, 2023
We need this feature in Australia
FransLeys on April 27, 2021
PieSync supported syncing Unleashed (on top or along of the usual integration). You can keep using PieSync through 2021, but in the meantime we're checking if we need to prioritize turning this into a data sync app? Please upvote! Thanks.
13 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Elite Partner
September 06, 2021
Got it. Thanks. 🙂
FransLeys on April 27, 2021
PieSync supported syncing Unleashed (on top or along of the usual integration). You can keep using PieSync through 2021, but in the meantime we're checking if we need to prioritize turning this into a data sync app? Please upvote! Thanks.
13 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Elite Partner
September 06, 2021
Got it. Thanks. 🙂
FransLeys on April 27, 2021
PieSync supported syncing Unleashed (on top or along of the usual integration). You can keep using PieSync through 2021, but in the meantime we're checking if we need to prioritize turning this into a data sync app? Please upvote! Thanks.
13 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Elite Partner
September 06, 2021
Got it. Thanks. 🙂
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