
Member since ‎Aug 21, 2017
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Ellen Crema

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ellecrema on April 26, 2021
It would be great to have the ability to manually edit a contact's time zone. The IP address time zone is not always accurate in terms of when a contact needs to receive one of our emails. For an upcoming email send, for example, I am having to uplo read more
5 Replies
ellecrema on April 21, 2021
Would love to see a workflow filter that allows you to prompt an action based on time spent on a page. For example, we want to send an automated email to all contacts who visit X page of our website. Of course it's possible that some contacts will h read more
7 Replies
ellecrema on April 21, 2021
We run into this a lot... where we have a blog drafted and that will be included as a link in an email. For example, we have an email that we want to send at 10am tomorrow and a blog that will be linked in this email that is drafted. Obvioulsy the b read more
1 Reply
ellecrema on April 21, 2021
Similar to how HubSpot suggests certain times for social media posts, it'd be great to have this feature for emails and for it to be specific to your account. So once an email is drafted, HubSpot recommends the best day/time to send based on all of read more
8 Replies
Yoshi on May 22, 2017
Currently, blog comment module display old to new comment for specific blog. If we can have a choice to make it newer comennt to older comment, it would make it look like more real time comment on the blog post. Also, we have a lot of commen read more
16 Replies
May 07, 2018
Would love to be able to specify which type of blog comments we'd like a user to receive notifications for. We have a few different types of "tags/ more
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