
Member since ‎Dec 30, 2020
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Arne on June 17, 2019
It’s a nightmare that quotes are no longer accessible for the customer nor possible to just reactivate them as a seller. It would be OK to have customers access it but as „expired“. For sales, recreating a quote just because a customer orders a few read more
35 Replies
November 06, 2023
what a night mare when I have to build a fresh quote instead of making a duplicate of the expired quote and edit from there!
Wilkom on March 12, 2019
Hello, As part of my business, I need to configure hubspot with the ability to create a customer number by company and contact. I have already configured a property, but when I want to search by customer number, I have no result. I found a solut read more
5 Replies
November 25, 2021
There is a workaround I just figured out, go to Company, click more filter, select Company ID is equal to (xxxxxx) and the result will show.
Memorable on January 30, 2018
Hello, I've created some contacts and add some comments to follow steps of my pipe with each of them. I'd like to export all my contacts with associated comments. Is it possible ? If yes, how could I do that please ? If not read more
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4 Replies
July 09, 2021
@JanaB - the video link is not working, can you please share how it works? Many thanks in advance.
oriyudilevich on February 13, 2020
Hi, We would like to add a custom property to products called "catalog number" and one to line items called "extra info". After I do this, I am then planning migrate our current list of products into hubspot, i.e. write a script (that uses the h read more
23 Replies
March 05, 2021
I would like to have beta access to fix those newly added properties on line item to be displayed in quotation. Please help, thanks!!
oriyudilevich on February 13, 2020
Hi, We would like to add a custom property to products called "catalog number" and one to line items called "extra info". After I do this, I am then planning migrate our current list of products into hubspot, i.e. write a script (that uses the h read more
23 Replies
March 05, 2021
I would like to have beta access to fix those newly added properties on line item to be displayed in quotation. Please help, thanks!!
JoanneTapping on September 10, 2018
Whilst the Ticket system is useful, when you have 150-200 tickets in varying pipelines within ServiceHub can be confusing when searching for a particular ticket. It would be immensly valuable to include the Ticket ID to all subsequent emails fro read more
72 Replies
January 29, 2021
Yes, ticket ID is needed to ease communication and increase UX.
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