
Member since ‎Dec 29, 2020
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Jeremy Vladiscovich

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nicolerohrer on May 15, 2020
Some customers have alternative billing situations for their products that do not fit within our current billing frequency options below. It would be nice if they had the option to create other intervals. One customer needs a five year option for ex read more
151 Replies
December 19, 2022
Hey Hubspot Dev ! We just need Weekly and Fortgnightly guys, I think it's a small lift that you can include this in your road map for quick wins. more
Charmaine on September 09, 2019
It would be great if we could have a custom field type that was for "time." This property would let me select the time for an appointment as well as the time zone. It would help when trying to create workflows to trigger based off appointme read more
May 04, 2021
Any update on this guys?
JVladis on January 05, 2021
It would be great if we could simply monitor the sms responses from our integration in INBOX instead of having to create a task for each message received or go into every single customer profile.
JVladis on December 29, 2020
It looks like we cannot report in a very basic way about 2 properties. How does A+B looks VS A only for example. If I want to know the pourcentage of contacts that 2 properties known VS the contact that only one of those poperty know, then from my read more
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