
Member since ‎Dec 22, 2020
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Gita Sharifi

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GSharifi on February 15, 2024
Trying to edit a webpage with static modules and can't remove a module from list of contents. The only options avail is to rename or edit. How can I remove an entire module. And sorry I'm just new at this stuff.
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GSharifi on January 29, 2024
I tried the Html export option but that uploads to the content into a CSV file and content is in HTML format. Anyway that I can export to plain text or enrchid (how it appears on the websit)? Thanks.
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GSharifi on December 22, 2020
Custom Reports - Table format reports Using aggreated funcations such as Max and using a column with a very name, leaves a significant amount of emty space in reports realstate because users must use the Original Name column name and have no way of read more
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