
Member since ‎Dec 21, 2020
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Anna Sarvis

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Anicklow on February 23, 2023
I have just becaome aware of an integration between Google Sheets and Hubspot. But I'm trying to understand it's capabilities. Right now we manually enter in all the Marketing Emails we send into a Google Sheet that has the headers something li read more
1 upvote
1 Reply
Anicklow on November 23, 2022
Hello Hubspot community, We keep getting someone who creates email accounts that start with his name "michael" with 4 various numbers after that name. So there are rouphly 200 emails that are something like "" but all of the read more
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2 Replies
November 23, 2022
Looks like this will work! thank you!
Anicklow on November 23, 2022
Hello Hubspot community, We keep getting someone who creates email accounts that start with his name "michael" with 4 various numbers after that name. So there are rouphly 200 emails that are something like "" but all of the read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
November 23, 2022
Looks like this will work! thank you!
Anicklow on November 14, 2022
hello, I have a workflow that recently had abour 400 contacts enroll. I need to export that list, but I have turned the workflow OFF. Is there a way to either funnel them into a list, or create a list or export it that I'm not currently see read more
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Anicklow on June 29, 2022
hello, I have a list that I was planning to delete out of hubspot. It was an active list and it had over 130,000 contacts in it. Recently, that list dropped down to about 100 contacts. I can't find a way to get the 130,000 contacts back into a read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
June 29, 2022
Thanks @karstenkoehler , I was worried that would be the case. This list specifically was a list that we quarentined in Hubspot.. So i was able to more
Anicklow on June 29, 2022
hello, I have a list that I was planning to delete out of hubspot. It was an active list and it had over 130,000 contacts in it. Recently, that list dropped down to about 100 contacts. I can't find a way to get the 130,000 contacts back into a read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
June 29, 2022
Thanks @karstenkoehler , I was worried that would be the case. This list specifically was a list that we quarentined in Hubspot.. So i was able to more
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