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Anthony Plocinik

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paytek_haley on Dezember 22, 2020
I want my reps to be able to edit records they are assigned to, but not have the ability to create a new record (deal, company or contact). With anyone being able to create a record, we deal with duplicates, false information, and skewed data. Beitrag ansehen
November 07, 2022
Wow how is this still not a feature???
annegaslin on August 02, 2018
It would be nice if we could see a list/round-up of contacts who met a workflow goal and are included in the "GOAL CONVERSION RATE" in the workflow performance tab. You can view/edit the goal right from there, but it would be really nice to be a Beitrag ansehen
37 Antworten
August 05, 2022
I can't believe this isn't already a feature! I know there is a workaround to create a list based on "Goal Met", but you can literally view all other...Beitrag ansehen
TommyB on Oktober 23, 2017
Hi, we would like to offer free product demos on the website and use the meetings tool to allow users to book. However, as a cloud videoconfrencing provider offering virtual meeting rooms (VMRs), we would like to run video meetings to allo Beitrag ansehen
97 Antworten
August 13, 2021
This functionality needs to exist! I know Calendly and other tools allow for this. We are trialing SalesHub in addition to our MarketingHub license a...Beitrag ansehen
APlocinik on Juni 24, 2021
The A/B functionality for automated emails that was recently released to beta is great, however it is very disappointing to not have the ability to use A/B enabled Automated Emails in multiple workflows. Right now the workaround is to clone and add Beitrag ansehen
katharine on Mai 01, 2017
I was disappointed to see that I can't do an A/B test in an automated email: Marketo (a HubSpot competitor) allows this functionality. Can you add this Beitrag ansehen
293 Antworten
Juni 18, 2021
@JoeMayall the A/B functionality for automated emails is great, however I was very disappointed to just learn that I cannot use it across multiple...Beitrag ansehen
Christiana on Oktober 11, 2017
We'd like to merge two companies within HubSpot but have been told this functionality is not available as it is disabled for users who have a Salesforce integration with Hubspot . It would be great if this feature could be made available.
46 Antworten
Mai 10, 2021
I agree with @Ofer . This is what we are struggling with right now. We don't want to touch anything in Salesforce. We either need to merge/bulk de...Beitrag ansehen
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