
Member | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎Dec 18, 2020
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plau on June 21, 2019
At the moment it's not possible to insert tables in the drag and drop email editor. Even if we paste table HTML in the source code, it gets stripped away when we save it. Current workarounds include: Add a screenshot of the table instead: read more
98 Replies
Member | Platinum Partner
December 05, 2021
Have not yet? Please proceed with inserting table into marketing emails.
maddietabor on October 04, 2019
While multiple images are allowed for Twitter and Facebook, only one is allowed for Instagram. All other social media scheduling platforms allow for multiple, can we get that capability in HubSpot as well?
117 Replies
Member | Platinum Partner
December 18, 2020
Still, at the end of 2020, it has not been solved. Please let us utilize the Socia Media function of Hubspot fully plz!
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