
Member since ‎Dec 17, 2020
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Lindsay Davis

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Arne on December 22, 2018
Being able to simply select the product(s)/services within the mobile app and send the quote (lower price tag stuff only like a few service days or a smaller quantity of a certain product eg for a POC) to your customer right while you are in the sco read more
January 05, 2021
This is a HUGE need. For sales reps who want to update quotes and for sales managers approve quotes on the road, this is a critical update.
FinallyMatt on July 02, 2020
When negotiating a deal, dropping a custom discount on-the-fly can often be what ultimately tips a lead to a customer. In turn, that discount changes the value of a deal...or at least, it should! The trouble is, right now it doesn't. Custom read more
December 17, 2020
It would be helpful to be able to pull product and quote related items into a field across objects. For example, a field where the discount from more
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