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Member since ‎Dec 17, 2020
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DDelGrosso on May 12, 2022
Hello everyone! I created a Connected App through the developer portal and was able to install it to my Dashboard. It shows in the Connected apps as expected. The issue is now that it will NOT show in the Contacts area where I am expecting read more
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10 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
May 16, 2022
Hi @DDelGrosso , Do you have maybe any checks on portal id's? webhook validation or something else? Do you see the Contacts CRM Card more
Hirthikraj on March 31, 2022
Hi Team, I need to verify the webhook response received from HubSpot. There are three methods to verify the response which is v1,v2 and v3. Can I verify the response in any method or should i verify the response with the version included in X read more
Contributor | Platinum Partner
April 01, 2022
Hi @Hirthikraj , No for the three types of security headers you have three different solutions to check if the webhook call is valid.. So more
Blaineyam on March 08, 2022
I have a quick question I'd like to run by you all. I have an ERP system that will contain a Shopify ID as the primary key. Can I push this record into the Hubspot API and update a Deal status with the matching Shopify ID (that will be also in Hubsp read more
0 upvote
9 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
March 11, 2022
run a request on/crm/v3/objects/deals/search And use filter on your custom field : { "filterGroups": [ { "filters": [ { more
Blaineyam on March 08, 2022
I have a quick question I'd like to run by you all. I have an ERP system that will contain a Shopify ID as the primary key. Can I push this record into the Hubspot API and update a Deal status with the matching Shopify ID (that will be also in Hubsp read more
0 upvote
9 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
March 11, 2022
run a request on/crm/v3/objects/deals/search And use filter on your custom field : { "filterGroups": [ { "filters": [ { more
Blaineyam on March 08, 2022
I have a quick question I'd like to run by you all. I have an ERP system that will contain a Shopify ID as the primary key. Can I push this record into the Hubspot API and update a Deal status with the matching Shopify ID (that will be also in Hubsp read more
0 upvote
9 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
March 11, 2022
run a request on/crm/v3/objects/deals/search And use filter on your custom field : { "filterGroups": [ { "filters": [ { more
RIvanov on March 09, 2022
Hey All, Is there a way to get all contacts/companies that don't have deals? Thanks in advance!
Contributor | Platinum Partner
March 09, 2022
Hi @RIvanov , When i'm right you cannot filter on associated records. But maybe can the following workaround help you out: Make a more
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