
Member since ‎Dec 17, 2020
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Juliane Waack

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JWaack on September 19, 2023
Why not make the life of actual writers easier and instead of replacing their work with AI-generated fluff, actually assist them with very helpful functionalities such as a hashtag generator? If this could be localized for different platforms, read more
1 Reply
JWaack on September 01, 2023
It's a shame that the detail view for single blog articles has been moved to the individual article plage (which makes no sense, you have all the details on that very page anyways). It used to be in the article overview which was a lot more help read more
1 upvote
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JWaack on June 20, 2023
Hi All, Is there a way to deactivate the annoying AI-icon? It constantly pops up in the text editor when I mark text (to link, copy & paste, etc.) which makes working in the text editor very finnicky, since it's a 50/50 chance you hit the i read more
June 20, 2023
Will do, thank you!
JWaack on June 20, 2023
Hi All, Is there a way to deactivate the annoying AI-icon? It constantly pops up in the text editor when I mark text (to link, copy & paste, etc.) which makes working in the text editor very finnicky, since it's a 50/50 chance you hit the i read more
June 20, 2023
Will do, thank you!
JWaack on June 20, 2023
Hi All, Is there a way to deactivate the annoying AI-icon? It constantly pops up in the text editor when I mark text (to link, copy & paste, etc.) which makes working in the text editor very finnicky, since it's a 50/50 chance you hit the i read more
June 20, 2023
Will do, thank you!
JWaack on May 31, 2023
Hi All, So, we often use the button > open form-combo, so the form only pops up when you click a button on the page. However, that feature always overrides the selected Thank You-message and/or redirect link, so we always have to add it manu read more
June 02, 2023
Thanks for the info, that's what I wanted to know. Have a great day, Juliane
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