
Member since ‎Dec 16, 2020
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Philip Carlson

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harjap_x on May 12, 2021
I tried API Integration with Contacts API and tried testing it through postman. const hubspot = require ( '@hubspot/api-client' ) const express = require ( 'express' ) const app = express () app read more
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2 Replies
May 12, 2021
Just guessing, but the message seems to indicate the problem is that the app has not been granted permission for requested scopes, so I suspect it more
rjhonnas on March 18, 2021
Hello, I am successfully creating deal via API, what I'm gonna do next is to associate contact to it. Is there any endpoint I can use to process this two at once? Thanks for your help.
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March 21, 2021
I don't know of a way to do it in one call. But after creating the deal, the second call is one line like: await more
PCarlson on March 07, 2021
I would really like to be able to show a small list of activities with most recent past logged activities of all types and open tasks due soon to provide a snapshot to a user. I see the following api calls: associationsApi getAll Get recen read more
March 14, 2021
I'm not sure who marked this solved, but I see things to resolve and intended it more for discussion. I was able to get recent engagements more
PCarlson on February 28, 2021
I have not yet succeeded in updating an existing engagement from nodejs. Specifically, I am simply trying to update a specific task status to COMPLETED. I don't see any samples that update engagements. My code looks like this: const read more
March 14, 2021
PATCH did the trick. Thanks @kierana For reference, my apiOptions looked like this: const apiOptions = { path: '/engagements/ more
PCarlson on March 07, 2021
I would really like to be able to show a small list of activities with most recent past logged activities of all types and open tasks due soon to provide a snapshot to a user. I see the following api calls: associationsApi getAll Get recen read more
March 14, 2021
I'm not sure who marked this solved, but I see things to resolve and intended it more for discussion. I was able to get recent engagements more
PCarlson on February 28, 2021
I have not yet succeeded in updating an existing engagement from nodejs. Specifically, I am simply trying to update a specific task status to COMPLETED. I don't see any samples that update engagements. My code looks like this: const read more
March 14, 2021
PATCH did the trick. Thanks @kierana For reference, my apiOptions looked like this: const apiOptions = { path: '/engagements/ more
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