
Mitglied seit ‎Dez 16, 2020
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Joanne Law

We're using HubSpot to help us run our dispute resolution not-for-profit.


TCollins on Oktober 08, 2020
At the moment the access controls are quite limited, and entirely on the user side, rather than the content side. The only controls are whether a user can see their contacts, their team's contacts, or all contacts. Sometimes you want a contact/c Beitrag ansehen
Oktober 21, 2021
I agree. It really is a shame that Hubspot is ignoring customer demand for the standard feature of allowing contact / company / deals level restrictio...Beitrag ansehen
TCollins on Oktober 08, 2020
At the moment the access controls are quite limited, and entirely on the user side, rather than the content side. The only controls are whether a user can see their contacts, their team's contacts, or all contacts. Sometimes you want a contact/c Beitrag ansehen
Oktober 21, 2021
I agree. It really is a shame that Hubspot is ignoring customer demand for the standard feature of allowing contact / company / deals level restrictio...Beitrag ansehen
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