
Member since ‎Dec 11, 2020
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Steven Lee

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SLee6 on May 18, 2021
I'm working to implement search functionality for a client's website, which has many pages and two blogs. My goal is to create a search input that, when used, returns results from just one of the blogs. Currently, my search input looks like this, ad read more
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4 Replies
May 20, 2021
Thank you for the assist! Yes, I am using a cloned search_input module, including the javascript. I was able to use &pathPrefix as you more
SLee6 on May 18, 2021
I'm working to implement search functionality for a client's website, which has many pages and two blogs. My goal is to create a search input that, when used, returns results from just one of the blogs. Currently, my search input looks like this, ad read more
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4 Replies
May 20, 2021
Thank you for the assist! Yes, I am using a cloned search_input module, including the javascript. I was able to use &pathPrefix as you more
SLee6 on December 11, 2020
I am attempting to set up a blog page that has three separate sections: Featured posts, announcements, and everything else. Is there a way to filter the 'everything else' section to include all blog posts that are NOT featured or announcements? I ha read more
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5 Replies
December 15, 2020
That works! Thank you again; for my first time coding in Hubspot, I sure am glad this was the one thing that held me up!
SLee6 on December 11, 2020
I am attempting to set up a blog page that has three separate sections: Featured posts, announcements, and everything else. Is there a way to filter the 'everything else' section to include all blog posts that are NOT featured or announcements? I ha read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
December 15, 2020
That works! Thank you again; for my first time coding in Hubspot, I sure am glad this was the one thing that held me up!
SLee6 on December 11, 2020
I am attempting to set up a blog page that has three separate sections: Featured posts, announcements, and everything else. Is there a way to filter the 'everything else' section to include all blog posts that are NOT featured or announcements? I ha read more
0 upvote
5 Replies
December 15, 2020
That works! Thank you again; for my first time coding in Hubspot, I sure am glad this was the one thing that held me up!
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