
Participant | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎Dec 11, 2020
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Enrico Pierazzo

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EnriAlea on October 30, 2024
Hello, I'm struggling with these two cases, inside nested loops I can't update directly the object, nor checking for the array that I'm populating. Note that ALL_PRODUCTS, ALL_VARIANTS, ALL_SKU are all HubDb table rows. Are there any workaro read more
Participant | Platinum Partner
October 31, 2024
Hi! your suggestion does the trick, but I have to create the temp object inside the first loop. Thx! Enrico
EnriAlea on October 30, 2024
Hello, I'm struggling with these two cases, inside nested loops I can't update directly the object, nor checking for the array that I'm populating. Note that ALL_PRODUCTS, ALL_VARIANTS, ALL_SKU are all HubDb table rows. Are there any workaro read more
Participant | Platinum Partner
October 31, 2024
Hi! your suggestion does the trick, but I have to create the temp object inside the first loop. Thx! Enrico
EnriAlea on April 23, 2024
Hello everyone, Is it possible for a user to only see blog posts created by himself? Could it be achieved assigning a different team to every user? Thanks
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2 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
April 23, 2024
Thank you Karsten, I assume the partitioning is not retroactive, if I have thousands of posts and I want that new users can't see them, I have more
EnriAlea on April 23, 2024
Hello everyone, Is it possible for a user to only see blog posts created by himself? Could it be achieved assigning a different team to every user? Thanks
0 upvote
2 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
April 23, 2024
Thank you Karsten, I assume the partitioning is not retroactive, if I have thousands of posts and I want that new users can't see them, I have more
EnriAlea on December 22, 2023
Hi, is there a way to get a variable from a module inserted in a dnd area? I've found the module name but if I try something like this in the template, it doesn't work: {{ content.widgets.widget_170308322558 read more
EnriAlea on December 15, 2023
Hello, here is a simple question, can you confirm that if I change a module in use (cloning from parent to child theme) I will lost any of the data previously inserted? Is there any way to retain the data afterwards a module has changed?
0 upvote
3 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
December 18, 2023
Hi Jennifer, what do you mean with "overwrite the module"? I forgot to say that they used a marketplace theme so the modules' code is not more
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