
Contributor | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Dec 10, 2020
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Liam Pickard

I have been a tech and SaaS marketer for 17 years. I was lucky enough to work for an early adopter of HubSpot in the UK. Over the last 10 years I have been working both client and agency side of the fence. This has given me a unique perspective regarding the onboarding and optimisation of HubSpot for all parties involved.


Contributor | Diamond Partner
June 08, 2021
Great to see so many people supporting pride. 2016 was the year where every time I went away I seemed to arrive at a pride festival. No planning more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
February 25, 2021
Hi I took a look using the links that you supplied. When completing the form I and take to a Thank You page (image inserted). I do not more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
December 10, 2020
Great question. If you create a workflow inside your Hubspot you can automate an internal notification email to another specified member of your more
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