
Member since ‎Dec 8, 2020
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usmiclow on October 20, 2017
When a phone number field has data put into it, it is up to the User to format it the way they deem appropriate. That is not the most user-friendly or data-centric approach. This is a good way to allow users to enter incorrect or sloppy data and cau read more
162 Replies
September 15, 2021
Hi it could be great to put it in a workflow in order to auto format what we want? remove spacing or point exemple: = more
atma on June 16, 2018
Allow customers to log in and see their Ticket inbox, history, statuses, replies etc. Ideally integrate this with Knowedge Base too.
221 Replies
September 08, 2021
Hi any ideas of the release guys?
Arcane on September 08, 2021
Hello! It is great to use segmentation but unfortunatly when you plug it with AIRCALL or other VOICE IP solution and when you want to make a segmentation campaign it does not work together! Exemple: I want my sales assistant, when they read more
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Arcane on September 08, 2021
Sometime when you have a team of more than 10 persons When you want to create a TASK it is difficult to find quickly the users It could be great to order by ID or position the most used users in order to attribute them quickly to a task read more
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Arcane on September 06, 2021
Hi it would be SUPER GREAT to add on the workflow setting in conversation : Object / Title It will permits us to redirect a mail via its objects / title or create a ticket exemple: if customer send an email with object: i have an issue read more
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Arcane on December 10, 2020
Bonjour comment filtrer la remontée des contacts automatique depuis la boite mail connecté? j'aimerais pouvoir filtrer certains spams ou les Marketplace qui utilisent des mails uniquement pour leur client Exemple un client achète sur amazon read more
December 10, 2020
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