
Member since ‎Dec 7, 2020
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Steven Holmes

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SPHolmes on September 05, 2022
Hi folks, i'm trying to find a Hubspot-integrated quoting software that will pull my product library through so i don't have to type out each line item, and that offers the following features: Quote expiry date Automate quote reminders for cust read more
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SPHolmes on February 25, 2021
Hi folks, i'm having some issues with the GDPR notification on a landing page: As you can see, the check box is separate from the 'i agree' copy. Does anyone know how I can bring them bac read more
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3 Replies
March 10, 2021
Thank you. I now have another GDPR formatting issue to do with text size. I have resolved this one in the past using some code someone else posted more
SPHolmes on February 25, 2021
Hi folks, i'm having some issues with the GDPR notification on a landing page: As you can see, the check box is separate from the 'i agree' copy. Does anyone know how I can bring them bac read more
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3 Replies
March 10, 2021
Thank you. I now have another GDPR formatting issue to do with text size. I have resolved this one in the past using some code someone else posted more
SPHolmes on January 29, 2021
Hi, i'm struggling to get an answer to a very basic question so i'm hopinh you guys can help. My thank you pages house a link to download my brochure. People who fill in the form on my landing page are sent to my thank you page. I don't want peopl read more
SPHolmes on December 08, 2020
Hi folks, i know the GDPR font size issue has been covered before but I can't find a solution in the community to the .hs-richtext. Whatever i try in the stylesheet, I can't get it to change the font size on my form. This is what the form loks l read more
1 upvote
15 Replies
December 09, 2020
There's no sign of that rule in the CSS file. 🙁
SPHolmes on December 08, 2020
Hi folks, i know the GDPR font size issue has been covered before but I can't find a solution in the community to the .hs-richtext. Whatever i try in the stylesheet, I can't get it to change the font size on my form. This is what the form loks l read more
1 upvote
15 Replies
December 09, 2020
There's no sign of that rule in the CSS file. 🙁
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