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Victoria Dubinski

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RafiPN on August 24, 2017
Often times we enter fake data into our own form to test workflows or we get spammed with fake accounts. I'd like the ability to delete form submissions so they don't impact the metrics.
410 Antworten
April 12, 2022
This feature is needed! Sometimes we use our real accounts to test forms and workflows which messes with reporting information -- we shouldn't have ...Beitrag ansehen
Jems212 on Januar 20, 2017
Basically for each property I want 3 options to choose from: 1) Update value if blank 2) Append to value 3) Overwrite value Sample use case(s): Append Option: Notes Field I have a comments field on my contact form where someone sends us a query. Beitrag ansehen
139 Antworten
März 11, 2022
It would be great to append this! Sometimes the property is cumulative over time and it would be nice to be able to just append information vs overwr...Beitrag ansehen
victoriadubinsk on Oktober 29, 2021
There should be a way to assign a contact owner at the form level vs having to create a workflow for each form. Having a contact owner assigned at this level will minimize additional steps (creating a workflow) and will reduce contacts getting lost Beitrag ansehen
0 Antwort
pingle on Juli 05, 2017
On a form, there is a field with two different responses, which helps to determine the ideal customer. It is very important to have the feature to redirect a visitor to separate thank you pages based on the response. To B2B customers, we sell our p Beitrag ansehen
141 Antworten
September 17, 2021
Yes! Working in B2B I have this exact problem. Are there any updates on this?
Bryan on Juni 16, 2017
Ability to require minimum/maximum number of charcters in a form field. This would prevent users from entering a "space" to get through the required field. My application is for a zip code, where the user must enter 5 characters.
72 Antworten
September 09, 2021
I'm also having issues syncing to other platforms that would be solved by imposing a character limit. Any chance we can get this implemented?
kymag1c22 on November 28, 2018
It would be fantastic if we could setup a recurring email for a specific report. In my use case, we regularly export the sent marketing emails to csv and report on them. If this could be scheduled monthly to either send me an email or save to a Beitrag ansehen
60 Antworten
Januar 05, 2021
This is a great idea! Seems like a basic function that Hubspot should already have.
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