
Member since ‎Dec 3, 2020
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Matt Whitworth

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Sara on May 10, 2017
Firstly, not to have to add an existing hubspot user as a contact to be able to add them. Secodly, not adding the person who sets up the meeting as an attendee because they simply create meetings for other users and don't have to be invited to the read more
171 Replies
September 08, 2021
We need this functionality as well. Extremely important for a company working with SDRs and handovers to AEs. Thanks!
Mattw123 on July 23, 2021
Hi all, could someone explain the best way to ensure that a Contact owner always matches the Comapny owner in CRM? (we use Sales professional) We have a number of contacts I need to reassign to a different owner but doesn't auto assign the read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
July 26, 2021
Many thanks - this has worked so much appreciated
Mattw123 on July 23, 2021
Hi all, could someone explain the best way to ensure that a Contact owner always matches the Comapny owner in CRM? (we use Sales professional) We have a number of contacts I need to reassign to a different owner but doesn't auto assign the read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
July 26, 2021
Many thanks - this has worked so much appreciated
Mattw123 on December 03, 2020
Hi! I'm new to HubSpot and we are testing how to create an alert on a company record that can be visible from any inbound activity. The alert will be to flag when an exisiting customer needs action E.g "pass to accounts overdue payments". Is ther read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
December 03, 2020
Thanks Karsten, that would work well and appreciate the detailed response.
Mattw123 on December 03, 2020
Hi! I'm new to HubSpot and we are testing how to create an alert on a company record that can be visible from any inbound activity. The alert will be to flag when an exisiting customer needs action E.g "pass to accounts overdue payments". Is ther read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
December 03, 2020
Thanks Karsten, that would work well and appreciate the detailed response.
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