
Member since ‎Aug 15, 2017
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BrianDunn on February 13, 2017
My idea is to grant users the ability to set-up "structured data" on blog posts to help with SEO. Structured data is a system of pairing a name with a value that helps search engines categorize and index your content. Microdata is one form of read more
80 Replies
January 03, 2018
@Crystal_Hopper The global module can be good if you want to had the schema content of your company but for a press article or event I don´t think more
BrianDunn on February 13, 2017
My idea is to grant users the ability to set-up "structured data" on blog posts to help with SEO. Structured data is a system of pairing a name with a value that helps search engines categorize and index your content. Microdata is one form of read more
80 Replies
January 03, 2018
@Crystal_Hopper The global module can be good if you want to had the schema content of your company but for a press article or event I don´t think more
BrianDunn on February 13, 2017
My idea is to grant users the ability to set-up "structured data" on blog posts to help with SEO. Structured data is a system of pairing a name with a value that helps search engines categorize and index your content. Microdata is one form of read more
80 Replies
January 03, 2018
@Crystal_Hopper The global module can be good if you want to had the schema content of your company but for a press article or event I don´t think more
BrianDunn on February 13, 2017
My idea is to grant users the ability to set-up "structured data" on blog posts to help with SEO. Structured data is a system of pairing a name with a value that helps search engines categorize and index your content. Microdata is one form of read more
80 Replies
January 03, 2018
@Crystal_Hopper The global module can be good if you want to had the schema content of your company but for a press article or event I don´t think more
ThibautMX on October 13, 2017
Hi, I would like to know if there is an option to put two RSS Feed in an RSS Feed email if it´s possible to have two columns it will be awesome... Is it possible? Thank you very much
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21 Replies
jeanaberryman on December 19, 2016
Our company has one blog that covers a wide variety of topics and targets multiple audiences. Would love for our readers to be able to subscribe by topic, not just post frequency, to ensure they're only getting emails when content is posted that is read more
27 Replies
October 13, 2017
If you have some news about it, it will be awesome, I have got 40 types of interests and we didn't create 40 blogs we just use tags and we want to more
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