
Member since ‎Aug 14, 2017
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alivia on February 06, 2018
Hey, We need to be able to attach contacts we upload to a campaign in Hubspot. Let's face it, not many companies are 100% online, we all go to events and attend conferences where we get contacts, or even do hosted paid and are given lists of con read more
156 Replies
December 04, 2017
It would be very helpful for us to associate lists with certain campaigns, as nearly all of our lists are created in conjunction with event more
tholmes on June 06, 2017
Currently, when using a date field in Workflows or Lists, it is impossible to ignore the year for annually recurring events (such as a birthday or anniversary). This leads to problems when wanting a create a list of contacts with birthdays within th read more
32 Replies
October 31, 2017
Creating a birthday field is also extremely tedious in Hubspot, as you need to scroll through every month to go back each year. The date selector more
LouA on August 17, 2017
I want to set up a workflow based on contacts being sent an email. But unless I have sent that email or saved it for automation I can't select it as a criteria. Even if I schedule the send date, I can't use it in a workflow. This would help wit read more
August 14, 2017
It would be very helpful to be able to create a list based on contacts that have NOT been sent a particular email. This way, you can create lists more
Wschutt on August 14, 2017
It would be extremely helpful to our team to be able to enroll contacts at specific points in a workflow. It's been difficult for us to create work-arounds in order to do this, especially in workflows where many If/Then branches are needed. For exa read more
27 Replies
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